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Farm Focus – Ethiopia

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Farm Details

  • Region: Haro Wachu, Uraga, Oromia, Guji
  • Farm: Various smallholder farmers delivering to Wolichu Wachu washing station
  • Variety: Bourbon, Typica
  • Altitude: 2100–2310 masl
  • Process: Natural

Tasting Notes

Sweet and savory with citric acidity and a smooth mouthfeel; coffee cherry, berry, juniper and floral flavors with a nutty aftertaste.

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We roast these fresh green beans to perfection, in order to offer you the highest quality beans that are available on our site!

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The Wolichu Wachu washing station was founded in 2017 and serves 4,500 local smallholder producers in and around the town of Haro Wachu, in the Urga district of Guhi in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. The average producer here farms on half a hectare of land, and delivers coffee in cherry form to the washing station, where it is processed as necessary. Natural lots like this one are sorted, then laid to dry on raised beds for 8–15 days in sunny weather and 15–20 days in cloudy weather. According to the washing station manager, 90 percent of the coffee delivered to the factory is Bourbon, and 10 percent is Typica.

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