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Employee Relations

Raise your hand if you’ve ever WANTED to work with your best friend.

Now raise hand if you HAVE ever worked with her best friend.
Have you ever vouched for a friend, begged your manager to hire them, told them “we are hiring at the coffee shop, you should work with me!” Many of us have done this and though it sometimes turns out great, more often than not- it’s regretted by at least one person involved.
Now listen, I’m not saying you should never work with your best friend or to never refer someone but if the only reason why you are referring said person is because you want a friend at work… do me a favor and look around your workplace and imagine the friendships available to you with your already coworkers.
Working at a cafe or coffee shop can get a little cozy. Take advantage of this closeness you have with the people you see every day.
This does not just go for baristas. Anyone who has coworkers can relate- getting along is easier than disagreeing.

Team building

There are many ways to build friendships within your work environment. Ask your manager about team building activities they have available, like decorating the coffee shop or creating new drink specials for the season! And if you are a manager reading this, check out Pinterest- there are so many fun and easy team building ideas out there for you to try.