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ColdBrew 101

It’s incredible to think that we’ve been roasting for nearly 20 years now! While we have learned A LOT about coffee production, retail coffee shops, and roasting, we’ve been recognized for our Cold brew knowledge.

We’ve even been asked to present at CoffeeFest over the past few years on the subject of Cold brew. We thought we’d share an intro on the topic, we call this series: Coldbrew 101.

Some of this may be a review for some of you, and some of this may be new information. Hopefully, we’ll help you all better understand the benefits and decisions that go into why Coldbrew, may just be for you!

Kyoto-style coffee

The oldest documented sign of Cold brewed coffee was from Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto-style coffee was seen as early as the 1600s. Fast forward to now and the popularity of cold or iced drinks has dramatically increased. With the big box stores offering more cold drinks than hot drinks, plus the popularity of home brewing machines, it’s no wonder that cold or iced coffees are ordered more than hot coffee drinks!

But Cold Brew coffee isn’t brewed coffee, placed in the refrigerator for a day and voila! Cold Brew is a method of preparation, not a term defined in a marketing room. We won’t go into all the detail, but the process is rather simple. Our Cold Brew blend and water are essentially all you need to get started.  There is a specific process by which we prepare the beverage. Ground coffee is steeped in water without the
addition of heat. It’s made very similar to how tea or sun tea is made.

Check out some of the major benefits from cold brew coffee:

Thinking in practical terms, 30 minutes prep time yields up to 128 twelve ounce servings of cold brew coffee. How long does it take you to make 128 twelve ounce servings of hot coffee? (Spoiler alert, it’s a lot more time).

Check out the cost diagram, our friends over at Brewista created for their Cold Pro 2™ system.


While there is a trend in iced drinks, Cold Brew is a specific taste and process that requires time invested in the craft. We encourage you to educate your staff, educate yourself and most importantly, educate your customers! We mentioned in a previous post about education being a huge marketing strategy. This is a great opportunity.

